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Verify a Matroska/FFV1 fileThe Bash script verify_ffv1 verifies the fixity and a few parameters of an FFV1 file wrapped into a Matroska container (a “.mkv” file) or another possible container. The program is part of Bash AVpres, released under a 3-Clause BSD License and provided “as is” without warranty or support of any kind. DocumentationA short help message is embedded into the script: $ verify_ffv1 -h Usage: verify_ffv1 -i <input_file> verify_ffv1 -h | -x Options: -i input file -h this help -x advanced options with their default arguments Dependencies: ffmpeg and ffprobe See also: man verify_ffv1 About: Abstract: Verify fixity and a few parameters of a Matroska/FFV1 file Version: 2023-03-26 $ A detailed manual page is installed together with the script ( 2023-03-26 |