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Verify a BagIt archiveThe Bash script verify_bagit verifies an archive folder, according to the BagIt File Packaging Format, as designed by the Library of Congress and standardised under RFC 8493. The program is part of Bash AVpres, released under a 3-Clause BSD License and provided “as is” without warranty or support of any kind. DocumentationA short help message is embedded into the script: $ verify_bagit -h Usage: verify_bagit (-i|-b) <input_folder> verify_bagit -h | -x Options: -i BagIt archive folder -b is an alias of -i -h this help -x advanced options with their default arguments Dependency: one of sha512sum (default), md5sum, sha1sum, sha256sum, xxhsum or crc32 See also: man verify_bagit About: Abstract: Verify a BagIt archive folder, according to RFC 8493 Version: 2023-03-26 $ A detailed manual page is installed together with the script ( 2023-03-26 |