Variable Substitution

Set the variable’s content to value.
Use the value of variable. The curly brackets are optional for a string variable separated from the surrounding code; they are always required for array variables.
If the variable is set, its value is used; otherwise the specified value is used.
Use the length of variable.
Use the value of variable after removing characters matching pattern from the left. This removes the shortest matching piece.
Use the value of variable after removing characters matching pattern from the left. This removes the longest matching piece.
Use the value of variable after removing characters matching pattern from the right. This removes the shortest matching piece.
Use the value of variable after removing characters matching pattern from the right. This removes the longest matching piece.
Use the value of variable with the first match of pattern replaced by replacement.
Use the value of variable with every match of pattern replaced by replacement.
Use the value of variable with match of pattern replaced by replacement at the beginning of the value.
Use the value of variable with match of pattern replaced by replacement at the end of the value.

From Bash version 4.0 on

Transform the value of variable from lowercase to uppercase.
Transform the value of variable from uppercase to lowercase.


echo ${STR:-$(date +'%F')}
echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n}

echo ${STR##*/}            # video.file.mkv
echo ${STR##*.}            # mkv
echo ${STR%/*}             # /path/to
echo ${STR%.*}             # /path/to/video.file

echo ${STR%.mkv}           # /path/to/video.file
echo ${STR%.mkv}.mp4       # /path/to/video.file.mp4
echo ${STR/video./video_}  # /path/to/video_file.mkv
echo ${STR/./_}            # /path/to/video_file.mkv
echo ${STR//./_}           # /path/to/video_file_mkv

# from Bash version 4.0 on 

echo "${STR^^}"  # AAAA
echo "${STR,,}"  # aaaa

# for any Bash version, as well as for UTF-8 and multibyte input

echo "${STR}" | awk '{print toupper($0)}'  # AAAA
echo "${STR}" | awk '{print tolower($0)}'  # aaaa
RED='\033[1;31m'   # red boldface
BLUE='\033[1;34m'  # blue boldface
NC='\033[0m'       # no colour, return to regular font
EM='!'             # hack for exclamation mark in double quotation; otherwise
                   # use hex \x21 inside the double quotation marks, but not
                   # octal \033

echo -e "${RED}Error${EM}${NC} Bad news.\a"
echo -e "${BLUE}All okay.${NC} Good news."
